SEO is simple

Don’t be put off by the words: search engine optimization simply means increasing the amount of visitors to a website by improving the site’s ranking in the search results page of Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.


Years Experience

Happy Clients

Succesful Projects


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Why is search engine optimization so important?

Making people find your website in the millions of sites online today is a tough challenge. No matter how good your product or service, if your website does not appear high up in search engine results, very few people will notice. Competition is fierce for top listings.

Search engine optimization is a proven set of tactics to increase your presence in search engine listings. It is also a great way to enhance the quality of your website by making it more informative, better targeted, and easier to use.

AIM knows SEO

We provide search engine optimization techniques that work. Our industry knowledge leads to better results in multiple markets. Our search campaigns include on- and off-page SEO, integrated SEO management, strategy overview, website analysis, and more.

We work directly with you and your website to bring a high return on investment, long-term positioning, targeted traffic, and increased brand visibility.

Contact us to make a difference

We understand that every client is different and each requires a unique strategy. Whether you are setting up an SEO strategy from scratch or need to revamp your current campaign to make a bigger impact, we can develop a custom SEO package for you.



Regardless of whether you are active in the B2C or B2B sector, want to grow regionally or internationally, want to strengthen your brand message or boost sales.

Google Ads/SEA

Google Ads is our specialty. We are Google Premier Partners.
We’ve been helping businesses find new customers through Google Ads since 2007.

Display and Native Ads

From classic banner advertising to retargeting, video ads and native ads to almost fully automatic programmatic ads.

Social Ads

Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more


Who wouldn’t want their website to appear at the top of Google in order to reach many potential customers «for free».

Web and graphic design

Your website is your business card. Good web design stands for seriousness.

Conversion Optimization and Website Analysis

Better data and its correct analysis leads to better results for you.


SEA, SEO, Display, Native Ads, Remarketing, Programmatic, Social Media etc.


According to your requirements, AIM offers a complete and comprehensive package to pursue exactly this goal.


Remarketing is an important tool to increase website sales and/or to keep your brand in the mind of the customer.

Google Data Studio Reporting

Appealing Google Data Studio reports, which clearly summarize and display the data that is most important to you, save you time and facilitate decision-making.

We help you to win new customers via the Internet. Call us on +0251-981157-2215 or write to us!