Why you need remarketing

Don’t let prospective customers slip through your fingers. Remarketing is one of the most dynamic and powerful ways to increase brand awareness, drive conversions and create new business opportunities.


Years Experience

Happy Clients

Succesful Projects


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What’s it all about?

And why should you be interested? Because remarketing increases conversions. With remarketing, or retargeting, you show ads only to those people who have already interacted with you. They’re basically waiting for you to get back in touch.

Say someone looks at your sale page. They leave without buying. Later they might click on a Facebook ad for one of your products. Later still they read one of your blog posts. Their journey to purchase may be convoluted. You need to guide your customer through their buying process. Retargeting triggers ads to appear to provide visual reminders and appealing promotions to tempt them back to your services and products.

Our clients have seen increases as high as 50% in sales by implementing strong remarketing campaigns.

Another point worth noting…remarketing is extremely efficient. Conversion rates are generally much higher than with regular campaigns, which results in a lower cost-per-acquisition (CPA).

Multiple retargeting platforms

You’ve got quite a choice when it comes to setting up a remarketing campaign. Carry out retargeting through Facebook, Twitter, and other social channels. Use Google/search engines, display ads, and video. Each different platform suits a different purpose and we are experts in choosing the right retargeting route for your marketing success.

We know how to increase your conversions

We handle dynamic remarketing campaigns: Display ads for the products your prospective customers just viewed on your site. We manage these effective tactics to increase conversions and tempt people back to shop at your site.
We manage email remarketing: Use email remarketing to dramatically increase your conversion rate and solve the burden of abandoned carts. We’ve got the expertise to manage email remarketing to give you maximum ROI, whatever your industry.

Not everyone knows remarketing the way we do

Get it wrong, and remarketing can do your brand more harm than good. Our team works hard to ensure that campaigns are creative and economical.

We won’t let you commit one of remarketing’s biggest mistakes – over-repetition. If a potential customer sees your ads too often, rather than being ‘turned on’ to your product they can be ‘switched off’.

You can customize just about everything these days

…And remarketing is no exception. Beyond generally targeting all previous website visitors, we can send individualized messages to:

Those who abandoned their shopping cart before completing a purchase


Users who navigated to a special page on your website


Users who browsed your website for longer than a set period of time


People who have not returned to your website after a minimum number of days


Previous clients who may be interested in another service or buying the same or similar product again


Website visitors who match a specific profile or are in a particular geographic region



Regardless of whether you are active in the B2C or B2B sector, want to grow regionally or internationally, want to strengthen your brand message or boost sales.

Google Ads/SEA

Google Ads is our specialty. We are Google Premier Partners.
We’ve been helping businesses find new customers through Google Ads since 2007.

Display and Native Ads

From classic banner advertising to retargeting, video ads and native ads to almost fully automatic programmatic ads.

Social Ads

Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more


Who wouldn’t want their website to appear at the top of Google in order to reach many potential customers «for free».

Web and graphic design

Your website is your business card. Good web design stands for seriousness.

Conversion Optimization and Website Analysis

Better data and its correct analysis leads to better results for you.


SEA, SEO, Display, Native Ads, Remarketing, Programmatic, Social Media etc.


According to your requirements, AIM offers a complete and comprehensive package to pursue exactly this goal.


Remarketing is an important tool to increase website sales and/or to keep your brand in the mind of the customer.

Google Data Studio Reporting

Appealing Google Data Studio reports, which clearly summarize and display the data that is most important to you, save you time and facilitate decision-making.

We help you to win new customers via the Internet. Call us on +0251-981157-2215 or write to us